Dr. Ir. Agatha Ayiek Sih Sayekti, MP; " />
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Elastisitas Permintaan Beberapa Bahan Pangan Penting dalam Pola Konsumsi Pangan Rumahtangga di Indonesia

The Price Elasticity of Demand of Some Important Foodstuffs on Household Food Consumption Pattern in Indonesia. A study on household food consumption pattern in some varied regions with the historically different food consumption (rice versus non rice) was conducted to find out the magnitude of its price elasticity of its demand. Households were categorized into low, middle, and high income to get the typical food consumption pattern by the level of income. The household of 1999’s SUSENAS data from West Sumatera, East Kalimantan, and Papua provinces were used to estimate the demand for the 11 food groups in Indonesia by applying Almost Ideal Demand System model. The results of this study indicated that there were some differences on price elasticity in a different income level for various groups of food in Indonesia. Based on this study, hopefully, could be used to anticipate the future demand for various groups of food in Indonesia. Keyword s: elasticity, food, Almost Ideal Demand System