Ir. Siman Suwadji, MP; " />
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Pengaruh Jarak dan Topografi Lahan Terhadap Produktivitas Ekstraksi Acacia crassicarpa Dengan Menggunakan Skidder CAT 525D di Areal Mineral PT. RAPP Estate Selanjut

Extraction is the process of moving logs which have been felled to Tpn. One of the factors which affect the productivity of wood extraction using skidder is the distance and topography classification. There are four topography classification which are flat (0-8%), moderate (8-15%) and steep (15-25%). On the land of PT. Riau Andalan Pulp And Paper does not only have flat topographic classes, but there are also moderate and steep topographic classes. The purpose of this research is to know the effect of distance and land topography on the productivity and to know effectiveness of the best land topography. The analysis method which used in this research is randomized block design (RAK). According to the research results obtained data that interaction between distance and topography has a significant effect on extraction productivity. The most optimal interaction is at 0-50 m distance with flat topography with average productivity of 84,93 m3/hour. The highest productivity is at 0 – 50 m distance with average productivity of 67,45 m3/hour. The highest productivity is in flat topography with average productivity of 55,13 m3/hour.
Ir. Siman Suwadji, MP - Personal Name
Ir. Sushardi, S.Kh, MP (P) - Personal Name
Joap Parulian Marbun - Personal Name