Ir. Sugeng Wahyudiono, MP; " />
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Analisis Citra Landsat-8 Untuk Estimasi Sebaran Diameter Tanaman Eucalyptus sp. Pada Umur 42 Bulan : Studi di Estate Teso PT RAPP

Inventory is a crucial element in industrial plantation forest management, but to do an inventory needs great cost, effort and time especially for wide area so that is necessary to find alternatives. One of the alternatives is the utilization of remote sensing using satellite. This research aims to find out how remote sensing technology deployment especially Landsat-8 imagery to estimate diameter distribution for the stands of Eucalyptus sp. aged 42 months using vegetation indices NDVI and ARVI. Methods used in this research were transformation of vegetation indices, and field measurement. The field data is secondary data. Sampling is following the method of Systematic Random Sampling with IS = 1%. The plot using circular plot. The size of plot is 0.04 ha. Measurement was taken in 6 compartment with the amount of plot is 42 plots. Measurement’s parameters are vegetation indices, diameters (dbh) dan stand density (N/Ha). The results show the correlation value (r) of NDVI with dbh and N/Ha field is -0,022 and 0,369 and ARVI with dbh and N/Ha field is 0,074 and 0,321. The corelation is only between NDVI and ARVI with N/Ha field. The Result shows that the value of vegetation indices are more representing for tree density of Eucalyptus sp. stands aged 42 months. Estimation model is not made because the value of R2 is low. Corelation test between NDVI and ARVI with dbh and N/Ha PDF weibull also dont show real corelation. From the result, the conclusion is vegetation indices (NDVI and ARVI) from Landsat-8 imagery haven’t can be used to estimate stand’s diameter distribution.
Ir. Sugeng Wahyudiono, MP - Personal Name
Ir. Tatik Suhartati, MP (P) - Personal Name
Hendika - Personal Name