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Pengaruh Perbandingan Volume Air dan Ubi Jalar Ungu(ipomoea batatas L) Dalam Pembuatan Minuman Fungsional dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Jahe (zingiber officinale rosc)

This study aims to obtain a comparison form of water and purple sweet potato and the addition of ginger extract with the right concentration, in order to obtain functional sweet potato purple drinks that are good and preferred by consumers.
This study uses a complete block design with two factors. The first factor is the comparison of water with sweet potatoes with three levels, namely A_1 = 1: 1, A_2 = 1: 2, and A_3 = 1: 3. The second factor is the addition of ginger extract concentration with three levels, namely B_1 = 0%, B_2 = 4% and B_3 = 8%. Then functional sweet potato purple drinks were analyzed which included chemical tests including antioxidant activity, reducing sugar, total dissolved solids and pH and organoleptic; aroma preferences, taste preferences, and color preferences.
The highest overall preference is 4.76 = rather like being found in A_2 with a ratio of purple sweet potato and 1: 2 water which is supported by the results of antioxidant chemistry test 83.17% reduction sugar content 0.01% dissolved solids 1.64% and pH 6, 3. The highest overall preference of 4.72 = rather like also found in B_2 is the addition of ginger extract 4% which is supported by the results of antioxidant chemistry test 83.52%, reducing sugar 0.01%, dissolved solids 1.68% and pH 6.19.

Ricki Martogi Manurung - Personal Name
Ir. Sri Hastuti MS (p) - Personal Name
Dina Mardatilah, STp. MSi - Personal Name