Dr. Fahmi W.Kifli, S.Hut, M.Sc; " />
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Contribution of Economic Sector and Agricultural Development to Support Food Security in North Sumatra Province

The agricultural sector has a huge potential considering Indonesia as an agricultural country. In addition, Indonesia has abundant natural and human resources. Therefore, it needs to get support and be given serious consideration. The agricultural sector has a role and contribution in national development as a provider of employment, food producers, foreign exchange, provider of raw materials for the industrial sector, provider of employment and a safety valve during the economic crisis. Over time, the dynamics of Indonesian governance gave autonomy (decentralization) to regions. This study aimed to assess the pattern and structure of regional economic growth in North Sumatra by comparing between economic growth rate and regional income per economic sector with growth rate and national income. Klassen Typology analysis was used to identify the development of the regional economy by their pattern and structure of economic growth in North Sumatra. Results of these studies explained characteristics of North Sumatra province’s growth as a basis to describe the structure and growth pattern of each economic sector by using the data of Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP) of North Sumatra province and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Indonesia from 1999 to 2014 at 2000 Constant Basic Prices (CBP2000). Based on Klassen Typology Analysis showed that the average percentage of GRDP growth in the agricultural sector in North Sumatra province was higher than average percentage of GDP agricultural growth at national level. This research found also that average contribution of the agricultural sector in North Sumatra province was higher than the average contribution of the agricultural sector at National level. It showed that the agricultural sector in the advanced category and is growing rapidly.
Authors: Kifli, Fahmi W 1 ; Umami, Arif 2 ; Source: Advanced Science Letters, Volume 23, Number 7, July 2017, pp. 6428-6431(4) Publisher: American Scientific Publishers DOI: https://doi.org/10.1166/asl.2017.9643 https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/asp/asl/2017/00000023/00000007/art00090?crawler=true&mimetype=application/pdf