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Analisa Efektivitas Self Asessment Pada Kegiatan HQA dan RWA Harvesting Mineral Soil

HQA and RWA assessments are usually carried out by the planning department, starting when the harvesting department has carried out all its work processes. When the harvesting party has carried out the harvesting process in an area and wants to move to another area, then the abandoned area is automatically no activity carried out. Thus, from the RAPP side, we want to try a new system called SA (Self Assessment), where the assessment of HQA and RWA is carried out by harvesting parties, so that an empty area can be directly assessed with the aim that after the assessment and the area is declared feasible planting, the area can be quickly handed over to the plantation department and replanting. This research was carried out at the PT. RAPP Teso Estate (Riau Andalan Pulp and Paper), Gunung Sahilan District, Kampar District, Riau Province. The study was conducted on the compartments of G.029, G.031, and G.032. From the research data taken, RWA results for compartment G.029 = 1.165 m³ / ha, G.031 = 0.854 m³ / ha, and G.032 = 1.007 m³ / ha. While the assessment of HQA obtained a score of G.029 = 2.5, G.031 = 2.583, and G.032 = 2.375. From these results it is known that the results of the RWA assessment were declared to have passed, while the HQA assessment did not pass. Furthermore, the self-assessment data is compared with the assessment carried out by the planning department. Comparisons were carried out by conducting t test analysis. The results of the analysis show that the HQA and RWA self assessment is not significantly different from planning assessment. So that there is enough evidence to state that the self assessment undertaken is effective, both HQA and RWA assessments.
Jonrizal - Personal Name
Didik Surya Hadi, S. Hut, MP (P) - Personal Name
M. Darul Falah, S. Hut, MP (P) - Personal Name