Ir. Sugeng Wahyudiono, MP; " />
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Analisis Kompetisi Eucalyptus pellita Umur 18 Bulan Pada Berbagai Jarak Tanam

Planting in the field is an initial investment and the key to success for forestry industy. One that can be manipulated in planting techniques is setting the plant spacing. Plant spacing setting is related to competition between plants. An experiment on plant spacing is done to see how much tree competition occurs. The Random Block Design (RBD) method was applied to determine differences in plant spacing of stem diameter (DBH), crown diameter, competition index values is Indeks Kompetisi Tajuk (IKT) and Crown Competition Index (CCI). The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of Eucalyptus pellita spacing on dbh, crown diameter, and competition. The results showed that the treatment of plant spacing had a significant effect on the Indeks Kompetisi Tajuk (IKT) and did not have a significant effect on the Crown Competition Index (CCI). Plant spacing has a significant effect on diameter at breast height (dbh) and crown diameter. There are significant differences in diameter at breast height (dbh) and crown diameter at all plant spacing.
Ir. Sugeng Wahyudiono, MP - Personal Name
Ir. Tatik Suhartati, MP (P) - Personal Name
Adib Dzakwan - Personal Name